Vacation Bible School is tentatively scheduled for June 23rd - June 26th 2025
We are proud to say that we always offer a 100% Catholic VBS and some of our past year's themes have included: Vocations, The Holy Mass, Wilderness Adventure through the Sacraments, Through Mary to Jesus and the Vatican Express.
Registration for VBS opens every year on March 1st and closes when full or by May 31st, whichever comes first!
Embark on an exciting five-day journey with Jesus in 2025, and make the church year come alive for your parish.
The Great Journey VBS program is specially designed to help kids discover the life of Christ and draw closer to Him through the cycle of the church year. Kids will have fun learning and celebrating the importance of Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent/Holy Triduum and Easter.
Kids will learn the significance of each liturgical season with new Cat.Chat music and videos, practical and engaging faith lessons, inspiring Saints, meaningful craft and snack activities, interactive games and much more.
100% Catholic and carefully crafted to help you make the Catholic Faith Come Alive for kids. (CatChat VBS)
If you have a Realm profile, please be sure to log in to Realm before registering. If you do not have a Realm profile, that is ok too!Just add everyone who will be attending VBS on the first page, and be sure to uncheck any names who will not be attending before clicking on to the next page.
If you have any problems registering through Realm, please contact the parish office (432-682-6303) and someone can assist you either in person or over the phone to get registered
Volunteer opportunities for both teens and adults! Join in the fun with us! It is a great way to make connections in our community.
Nursery is available for children of volunteers too young to participate. As a pro-life community, we also welcome moms to keep their stroller or baby wearing aged children with them if they prefer.
Teens from 7th grade and older can sign up to volunteer with a registration link on March 1st.
Registration numbers are dependent on the number of adult volunteers donating their time to our ministry. Please prayerfully consider joining us!
Have more questions? Contact Kristin Atkinson ([email protected])