Pat Stanley 682-1848
Meets on Tuesdays 7pm in the Annex
This ministry reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace by knitting/crocheting items to give, working amidst an atmosphere of prayer. No experience necessary.
Meets Tuesdays 6:15 am – 7:45am in Youth Activity Center
Join us as we. accompany men and their families on the pathway to holiness.
See you @6:15 am for breakfast!
Contact Garrett Donnely for more information or just show up! [email protected]
Watch the trailer for Worthy of the Call
Women's Bible Study
[email protected]
Meets Tuesday Evenings @ 6:30 pm (Nursery available upon request.) or Thursday Mornings @ 9 am in the Parlor
Visit our Young Adults Page for more info!
We meet the
1st and 3rd Thursday, Church Annex, 6:30p - 9:00p.
This is a great opportunity to bring a project you are working on, quilting, crochet, scrapbooking, cricut,.... Time to fellowship and get your project completed!
No need to register ahead of time- please feel free to join us!
Amy Kerr, [email protected], 432-682-6694
For those dealing with grief from the loss of a loved one. Visit the page: Healing Waters.