Referred to as EMs, Eucharistic Ministers aid with the distribution of Communion during Mass and to the sick/homebound. EMs must be Catholics in good-standing (received all three Sacraments of Initiation and live as the Church teaches). EMs are required to renew their training every 3 years. We hold trainings once a quarter.
For information on the next Eucharistic Minister training to join either the EMs that serve at Mass or the homebound ministry, contact the parish office or watch the bulletin.
Youth altar servers assist at weekend Masses and at weddings and other special liturgies. All parishioners who are young gentlemen and ladies in the 3rd grade and higher who have received their first communion are welcome to become a part of this ministry.
Altar Server formations are offered in the Fall and Spring. Watch the parish bulletin and social media for announcements about upcoming trainings.
Interested in joining this ministry? Contact Deacon Mike Hernandez by calling the parish office at 432-682-6303 or email [email protected]
Contact: Church Office 432-682-6303
Sacristans open the church and prepare the chapel or church for Mass. They also keep track of and order hosts, wine, candles etc. as needed and ensure all ministers (lectors, altar servers, etc.) have checked in.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at the Mass in a clear, persuasive way and with interpretive emphasis so that the faithful may discover anew God’s Word, alive in our assembly.
Would you like to join this ministry? Contact: Paul and Jane Brown 432-238-8775, or 817-723-7816 or email Paul Brown at [email protected].
The role of the usher/greeter is one of offering a friendly, welcoming presence to those coming to worship at Mass, of providing leadership during emergencies and performing such tasks as taking up the collection, presenting the gifts, assisting parishioners during Communion, distributing the church bulletin and participating in cleaning the church after completion of the Mass.
Join us! To become involved in our parish community as an Usher contact Bart Wilson at [email protected], or ask an Usher at Mass for information on how to join this ministry.
Contact: Church Office (432) 682-6303
Committee that serves coffee, juice and donuts each Sunday morning after the 8:30am Mass.
Ministry Scheduler Pro is the program used to create our Liturgical Ministry Schedule. The program allows us to take into consideration every liturgical minister’s preference when scheduling, as well as maintain an accurate database of all our ministers.
When you have completed the training for your respective ministry, we will enter your information into Ministry Scheduler Pro, and send you your username and password for accessing your profile online.
Your online profile allows you to regularly update your contact information, preferences, and availability. By accessing your online profile, you can also view the current Liturgical Minister Schedule and request replacements for masses in which you are scheduled to serve.
Contact the parish office!
If you are unable to serve when scheduled, it is important you find a replacement in a timely manner. Finding a replacement be easily done through our Ministry Scheduler Pro website. Log into your account and click “My Schedules.” Next to the date you are scheduled, to serve, click “Request Sub.” You may also request a sub through the link in the email that originally provided you with your serve dates.